...いったいどういうことでしょうか? これらのポイントを個々に見ていく前に、まずは「限定用法」「制限用法」という文法事項の基本(と一般的にされているもの)を少しおさらいしておきましょう......
ELEMENT Communication I (2022年) Lesson 6

- 「限定用法」:Tom has two sons who are doctors.(トムには、医者をやっている息子が二人いる。)
- 「非限定用法」:Tom has two sons, who are doctors.(トムには息子が二人いて、彼らは共に医者だ。)
これに対し、関係詞の前にカンマを入れて「非限定用法」でこれを用いると、その内容は補足的なものになり、「限定」の作用は果たさなくなります。上の「非限定用法」の例文「Tom has two sons, who are doctors.」だと、「Tom has two sons」の段階でトムにいる息子は合計2人だけということが確定するため、カンマで切った後に続く「who are doctors」の関係詞節はその2人が医者をやっているという情報を加えはしますが、指示対象が元の2人のままであることに変わりはありません。

ELEMENT Communication I (2022) Lesson 2

§300 関係代名詞の2用法
§235 分詞の限定用法と叙述用法
1 分詞の限定用法
§116 限定用法と叙述用法
1 形容詞の2用法
(1) 制限的用法と非制限的用法:意味上の分類

限定用法=attributive use
「限定用法」は「attributive use」の訳語になります。「attributive」は「属性」を意味する名詞「attribute」の形容詞形ですが、これが一体どういう経緯で「限定」なる訳語が当てはめられるに至ったかに関しては上述の「限定・非限定についての一考」を参照ください。
Oxford English Dictionary
3. Grammar. That expresses an attribute.
3B. n. An attributive word, one that denotes an attribute. Applied by Harris and others to adjectives, verbs, and adverbs; by most modern grammarians only to adjectives and their equivalents.
1. A quality or character ascribed to any person or thing, one which is in common estimation or usage assigned to him; hence, sometimes, an epithet or appellation in which the quality is ascribed.
5. Grammar. Sometimes used for: A word denoting an attribute; an attributive word; a predicable. esp. in Sentence Analysis, an adjective, or a word, phrase, or clause, performing the function of an adjective.
Practical English Usage
Adjectives placed before nouns are in 'attributive position'. Examples: a green shirt, my noisy son. See also predicative.
12 adjectives (1): normal position
1 two positions
Most adjectives can go in two main places in a sentence.
a with a noun, usually before it. This is called 'attributive position'.
- The new secretary doesn't like me.
- He's going out with a rich businesswoman.
- That dress is new, isn't it?
- She looks rich. I feel unhappy.
Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar
1. An adjective phrase or noun phrase typically preceding a noun in a noun phrase, and describing or expressing a characteristic of the noun; e.g. new in the new library or power in power struggle.
A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language
7.20 Adjectives are attributive when they premodify the head of a noun phrase.
つまり「関係詞の非限定用法」なる用語は、英語の英文法用語に直接対応するものが存在しない、どうやら日本ローカルのキメラ的造語ということになりそうです(「関係詞の非制限用法(non-restrictive use)」などが正しい呼称になります)。なんとも紛らわしい話ですが、「限定用法」は人口に膾炙(かいしゃ)した用語なので勝手に「属性用法」などと改めるわけにもいかないですし、やっかい極まりません。
「attributive use(限定用法)」に対比される用法は「predicative use(叙述用法)」になります。
叙述用法=predicative use
Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar
1. Of a syntactic position: occurring after a linking verb. Contrasted with attributive. The term is particularly used in the classification of adjectives. Most adjectives (or adjective phrases) can be used in both attributive and predicative positions.
Predicative complement
Predicative complements are adjective phrases, noun phrases, etc. which ascribe a property to the referent of another phrase. These are labelled in more detail as:
(i) subject complement (in CGEL, abbreviated Cs), subjective predicative complement (in CaGEL, abbreviated PCs), subject-related predicative complement (in OMEG), e.g. She is a lawyer. All my students seem very clever. Typically complements of this type 'complete' the verb be or another linking verb.
(ii) object complement (in CGEL, abbreviated Co), objective predicative complement (in CaGEL, abbreviated PCo), object-related predicative complement (in OMEG), e.g. They called me a fool. I consider tranquillizers dangerous.
Oxford English Dictionary
b. Grammar. Forming or having the function of a predicate; contained in the predicate; characterized by or indicative of predication (opposed to attributive).
a. Grammar. The part of a sentence or clause containing what is said about a subject (e.g. went home in John went home yesterday), sometimes excluding any adjunct (yesterday in this example). The grammatical predicate is either a simple verb, or a verb of incomplete predication with its complement.
(v.) Assert (something) about a linguistic unit, typically the subject of a sentence.
Practical English Usage
Adjectives placed after a verb like be, seem, look are in predicative position. Examples: The house is enormous; She looks happy. See also attributive.
A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language
7.20 Adjectives are predicative when they function as subject complement or object complement.
A Student's Introduction to English Grammar
[Adjectives] have attributive and predicative uses. Attributive adjectives function as internal pre-head modifier to a following noun; predicative adjectives function mainly as predicative complement in clause structure (p.112).
A predicative complement, by contrast, typically expresses a property ascribed to the person or other entity referred to by the subject (p.23).
「predicative use(叙述用法)」とは、基本は、SVCのCとなって連結動詞と共に述語を形成するような形容詞の用法のことです。これも(連結)動詞の後ろの位置に来て述語を形成すると言う、統語論的(syntactic)な分類になります。
後置用法=postpositive use
統語論的分類として、①「attributive use(限定用法)」が名詞の前から修飾する前置修飾で、②「predicative use(叙述用法)」が動詞の後ろから主語を叙述する補語としての用法となるわけですが、これらと組になるもう一つの用法が形容詞にはあります...③後置用法(postpositive use)です。
A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language
7.21 Adjectives can sometimes be postpositive,ie they can immediately follow the noun or pronoun they modify. We may thus have three positions of adjectives:
- PREDICATIVE: This information is useful
- ATTRIBUTIVE: useful information
- POSTPOSITIVE: something useful
The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language
2 Criterial properties of adjectives
2.1 Function
The three main functions: attributive, predicative complement, and postpositive
- [attributive]
my new job
all other possibilities
good work - [predicative comp]
This is new.
They seem suitable.
We found it easy. - [postpositive]
something important
a man full of his own importance
Predicative complements are dependents in clause structure, licensed by particular verbs, such as intransitive be and seem or transitive find in [2ii].
Postpositive adjectives function as post-head internal modifier in NP structure. They commonly occur after the compound determinatives something, anyone, nobody, etc., but under restricted conditions they occur in NPs with nouns as head. Postpositive adjectives are much less frequent than attributive and predicative ones: adjectives are admissible in this position only under severe syntactic constraints.
と言うことで、関係詞節は「限定」ではなく、「後置」という分類になります。名詞を後置修飾する分詞「句」も「限定用法」ではなく「後置用法」ということになります。後置修飾する分詞「句」は「縮約関係詞節(reduced relative clause)」と見做され、後置修飾の形容詞句もこの扱いになります。
Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar
reduced clause
a shortened clause, particularly a non-finite or verbless clause with a postmodifying function that can be interpreted as a relative clause with its relative pronoun and finite verb omitted, e.g. Anyone scared of heights is advised not to attempt to climb this tower (=Anyone who is scared of heights...)"
Lynn Gordon, "English Grammar" (2008)
Adjective phrases which contain complements (which appear after the adjective head) or postmodifiers typically are not used attributively. So, frightened of bears is okay as a postpositive adjective phrase (as in People frightened of bears shouldn't visit Yellowstone) or as a predicate adjective phrase (as in Those people seem frightened of bears, Their horrible experience left them frightened of bears.)
§118 ...形容詞は次のような場合に名詞・代名詞の後に置かれる。慣用的なもののほかに,強意的なもの,あるいは〈関係代名詞+be〉の省略と考えてもよいものなどがある... 修飾語句を伴って長くなる場合:「a friend worthy of confidence(信頼できる友人)」*この場合who isを前に補って考えることもできる。
さらに、後置修飾の分詞(および分詞構文)は、厳密には「句(phrase)」ではなく、「節(clause)」(非定形節、nonfinite clause)を形成するとされます。なお、日本語では「分詞句」「不定詞句」などと一般に言われますが、正確には「分詞節(participle clause)」「不定詞節(infinitive clause)」になります。
A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language
17.28 Postmodification of the noun phrase is possible with all three of the nonfinite clause types: -ing participle, -ed participle and infinitive clauses.
14.5 We recognize three main structural types of clauses.... NONFINITE CLAUSE: a clause whose verb element is nonfinite..., eg: Knowing my temper, I didn't reply.
14.6 The nonfinite clause may be with or without a subject....
without subject: Leaving the room, he tripped over the mat.
with subject: Her aunt having left the room, I asked Ann for some personal help.
without subject: Covered with confusion, they apologized abjectly.
with subject: The discussion completed, the chairman adjourned the meeting for half an hour.
これに対し限定用法=前置修飾の分詞は「句」(不定動詞句、nonfinite verb phrase)を形成します。
制限用法=restrictive use
当記事冒頭で触れたような名詞の指示対象を狭めるような作用(トムに息子が5人いる場合、単に「sons」と言うとその5人いずれも指示対象になるが「sons who are doctors」と言うとトムの息子でありかつ医者をやっている2人に指示対象が「制限」される)は、「restrictive use(制限用法)」と言い、これは意味論的(semantic)な分類になります。つまり、統語論的(syntactic)分類である限定用法とは別次元の分類になります。
Oxford English Dictionary
(Grammar) delimiting the meaning or reference of a modified noun phrase or other element.
A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language
17.3 The modification is RESTRICTIVE when the reference of the head is a member of a class which can be identified only through the modification that has been supplied. The girl in example ['The tall girl standing in the corner who became angry because you knocked over her glass after you waved to her when you entered is Mary Smith.'] is only identifiable as Mary Smith provided we understand that it is the particular girl who is tall, who was standing in the corner, and who became angry. Such modification would not have been actually necessary unless there had been other girls present, tall but not in the corner, or in the corner but not tall, or who had not become angry. Restrictiveness, then, indicates a limitation on the possible reference of the head.
Alternatively, the referent of a noun phrase may be viewed as unique or as a member of a class that has been independently identified (for example in the preceding context). Any modification given to such a head is additional information which is not essential for identification, and we call it NONRESTRICTIVE. For example, the relative clause who is in the corner in [Mary Smith, who is in the corner, wants to meet you.] is nonrestrictive.... By reason of being designated by a proper name, Mary Smith's identity is independent of whether or not she is in the corner (though the information on her present location may be useful enough).
Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar
defining relative clause (also called identifying relative clause, integrated relative clause, restrictive relative clause): a finite clause that postmodifies a noun and restricts its meaning.
non-defining relative clause (also called non-restrictive relative clause, non-identifying relative clause, supplementary relative clause): a relative clause that gives additional information about the head with which it is associated, but is not a defining relative clause because the noun phrase of which it is a part is already defined and its referent is identifiable.
Of modification or a modifier: that identifies or restricts the meaning of the modified head. Also called restrictive, integrated. Contrasted with non-defining (or non-restrictive).
Various kinds of linguistic unit, including adjectives and different kinds of postmodification, can have a defining or restrictive function. For example, in my blind friend, the adjective may well be understood to identify uniquely one particular friend. But in my blind mother, the adjective is non-defining, because it merely adds some information about my mother. Similarly, in the examples below the non-finite clause and the prepositional phrase define the man in question:
- The man wearing a military uniform is my uncle
- The man with all the gold braid is my uncle
- The British troops, wearing bright red uniforms, were an easy target
- The Duke, resplendent in his uniform, led his army to victory
形容詞が名詞を修飾する際には「制限」の作用を伴うことが多いですが、必ずしもそうであるわけではありません。例えばある二人の娘を持つ父親が「my younger daughter(私の下の娘)」と言った場合、形容詞youngerは名詞daughterの指示対象を二人から一人に制限しますが、「my beautiful wife(私の美しい妻)」と言った場合、妻は元から一人しかいないので形容詞beautifulに制限の作用はありません(非制限的な修飾になります)。つまり、修飾イコール制限では必ずしもないというわけです。
A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language
17.3 If a man says [Come and meet my younger daughter.], the daughter is identified as being one out of two daughters in the family and also as younger than the other daughter.... If, on the other hand, a man (in a monogamous society) says [Come and meet my beautiful wife.], the premodifier beautiful is understood as nonrestrictive.
分詞が名詞を限定的に修飾(つまり前置修飾)することができるのは、それが「永続的または特長的性質(a permanent or characteristic feature)」を表す場合に限ります(一時的な行為を表すのには用いることはできません)。
A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language
7.18 Not only participial adjectives allowing the intensifier very, but also stative -ing and -ed participles can be attributive, as the following examples show:
- her crying children
- a winning team
- boiling water
- a married couple
- his published work
- the captured prisoner
17.98 Premodification by -ing participles
The possibility of modification by a present participle depends on the potentiality of the participle to indicate a permanent or characteristic feature. To a lesser extent, gradability (especially as indicated through intensification by very) is involved. Sentence [She has a very interesting mind.] shows interesting fully adjectival, despite the direct relation to the verb interest [Her mind interests me very much]....
This last example [?He was a reassuring/shocked/surprised person.] will illustrate the crucial significance of the 'permanence' characteristic; such participles can freely premodify nouns such as look and smile:
- He greeted me with a very reassuring/shocked/surprised expression.
A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language
17.34 Nonrestrictive postmodification can also be achieved with nonfinite clauses:
- The apple tree, swaying gently in the breeze, was a reminder of old times. ['which was swaying gently in the breeze...']
- The substance, discovered almost by accident, has revolutionized medicine. ['which was discovered almost by accident...']
- The scholar, to be found daily in the British Museum, has devoted his life to the history of science ['who can be found daily in the British Museum...']
certainやparticular、specificなど、名詞を前置修飾してその指示対象を文脈に依存せず常に明示的に制限する形容詞を「制限的形容詞(restrictive adjectives)」と言います。
Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar
restrictive adjective
a member of a subcategory of attributive adjectives, semantically defined as restricting or limiting the meaning of the following noun (also called limiter adjective, limiting adjective), e.g. a particular individual, the specific issue
A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language
7.35 Restrictive adjectives restrict the reference of the noun exclusively, particularly, or chiefly. Examples, within noun phrases, include:
- a certain person
- the principal objection
- the same student
- the only occasion
- a particular child
- his chief excuse
- the exact answer
- the sole argument
- the specific point
- the very man
統語論的分類 | 限定 | 叙述 | 後置 |
syntactic | attributive | predicative | postpositive |
意味論的分類 | 制限 | 非制限 |
semantic |
restrictive (defining) (identifying) (integrated) |
non-restrictive (non-defining) (non-identifying) (supplementary) |
「限定(attributive)」は統語論(syntax)的分類になります。統語論とは文中の語の配列およびその機能の解明を研究対象とする言語学内の一分野です。限定用法とは、端的に言えば名詞を前置修飾(premodify)する形容詞などの機能のことです。これに対比される用法は「叙述(predicative)用法」と「後置修飾(postpositive modification、postmodify)」です。前者は叙述補語としてSVCやSVOCのCを形成する用法で、後者はまんま名詞の後置修飾のことです。
- 阪田卓洋氏(筑波大学附属駒場中・高等学校英語科)「非制限用法の指導について」という論文を見つけました。日本で広く使用されている各種参考書での用例が記されています。