
A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language

15.6 If cannot introduce a subject clause unless the clause is extraposed:
  • Whether she likes the present is not clear to me.
  • If she likes the present is not clear to me.
  • It's not clear to me whether she likes the present.
  • It's not clear to me if she likes the present.

  • It would be a shame if the United States were to allow Afghanistan to slip back into chaos.
  • People would find it strange if they were charged different sums for exactly the same services.
  • People would find it strange if you said so.


  • People would find it strange that you said so.
  • People would find it strange that you said so if you said so.

調べてみたところ、どうもthat節を受ける仮主語it+形容詞の文(例:It is strange that he is so late.)において、It isisに助動詞が付いたり(例:It will be....)仮定法過去になると(例:It would be....)、that節がif節になるということのようです:

A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language

16.71 When an adjective of Type (iii) above occurs after a modal verb construction, the that-clause is commonly replaced by an if-clause. If the modal verb in the main clause is hypothetical (eg: would), the verb in the if-clause is placed in the hypothetical past. Compare:
  • It is sad that you have to leave.
  • It will be sad if you have to leave.
  • It would be sad if you had to leave.


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