• It is kind of you to help me.
上の文では、主格補語の形容詞kindの後に、「for <人>」の代わりに「of <人>」が来ています。一般に、be動詞の後に人の性格や性質を表す形容詞が来る場合には「of <人>」を用いるとされ、さらにこれは:
  • You are kind enough to help me.

しかし、意味的にはそれで近似になるとは言え、元の文におけるitはyouを受けているわけではなく、何か腑に落ちません。「It is important for you to study English.」の書き換え文「To study English is important for you.」または「For you to study English is important.」の場合、主語がそのまま置き換わっているだけですから基本的な文構造に変化はありませんが(不定詞句も名詞的用法のままです)、「You are kind enough to help me.」は文構造が大きく変化してしまっていますから、意味的にはともかくも文構造的に完全に同値とは思えません(「繰り上げ(raising)」のような何か特殊な現象が介在していれば別ですが)。

so that構文の「This book is so difficult that you can't read it.」は「Because it is very difficult, you can't read this book.」とだいたい同じような意味ではありますが厳密には異なりますし、否定文になった場合は完全に意味が食い違ってしまいますが(「This book isn't so difficult that you can't read it.」≠「Because it isn't very difficult, you can't read this book.」)、これと同じような違いが上のit+ofの書き換えにもあるような気がします。


it is kind/stupid/careless etc of somebody (to do something): used to say that someone's action shows a particular quality
  • It was kind of you to remember my birthday.

You use of before a word referring to the person who performed an action when saying what you think about the action.
  • I suppose it's stupid of us not to be able to make up our own minds.
  • This has been so nice, so terribly kind of you.
  • That's certainly very generous of you Tony.

of前置詞句に入る名詞はその後に続く不定詞句内の動詞の行為者を表すとされてはいますが、やはり主格補語の後に来る形容詞が叙述するのは、その行為者ではなく行為(action)の方なようです。「優しい(kind)」のはあくまでその一回の「help me(私を助ける)」という行為であり、直接「あなた(You)」がそうだというわけではないようです。

Oxford English Dictionary

Indicating the doer of something characterized by an adjective: following an adjective alone, as foolish, good, rude, stupid, unkind, wise, wrong (or any other adjective with which conduct can be described); following an adjective qualifying a noun, as a cruel act, a cunning trick, a kind deed, an odd thing; following a past participle qualified by an adverb, as cleverly managed, ill conceived, well done. Usually followed by to do (something), as in it was kind of you (i.e. a kind act or thing done by you) to help him etc., and less frequently by that, both constructions introducing the logical subject or object of the statement, e.g. It was kind of him to tell me = His telling me was a thing kindly done by him.

「[I]t was kind of you to help him.」は「[I]t was a kind act or thing done by you to help him.」の意味で、「It was kind of him to tell me.」は「His telling me was a thing kindly done by him.」の意味になる。直接的に不定詞句の意味上の主語になる「for <人>」に対し、「of <人>」は主格補語の形容詞や名詞の方に強くつながっているようです。これは直訳すると「(あなたの)私を助けるという行為」(主語)は「あなたの優しい行為」だ(述語)といった感じになります(最初の「あなたの〜」は間接的)。日本語の文としては相当不自然になるので、これはさすがに「あなたは優しい...(You are kind (enough)....)」と意訳したくなる気持ちもわからなくはありません。

OEDの古い用例を見ると、元々は「a <形容詞> thing of <人>」だったものが「<形容詞> of <人>」へと短縮されていったようです。

Oxford English Dictionary

  • 1532 W. Tyndale Expos. & Notes 73 Is it not a blind thing of the world that either they will do no good works,..or will..have the glory themselves?
  • a1593 C. Marlowe Jew of Malta (1633) iv. v 'Tis a strange thing of that Iew, he lives upon pickled grasshoppers.
  • 1603 W. Shakespeare Hamlet iii. ii. 101 It was a brute parte of him, To kill so capitall a calfe.
  • 1668 H. More Divine Dialogues ii. 383 That's a very odd thing of the men of Arcladam.
  • 1733 J. Tull Horse-hoing Husbandry 266 Is it not very unfair of Equivocus to represent [etc.]?
  • 1766 H. Brooke Fool of Quality I. iv. 145 Indeed, it was very naughty of him.
  • 1816 W. Scott Antiquary II. xviii. 239 Juno's master is in such fear of your joking him about the seal..--it's very silly of him, to be sure.
  • 1849 F. W. Newman Soul 104 It was not a proud thing of Paul to say, but a simple truth.
  • 1887 'L. Carroll' Game of Logic iv. 92 It was most absurd of you to offer it!
  • 1915 W. S. Maugham Of Human Bondage lxxxvii. 456 She won't think it rude of you to sit still while she waits upon you.
  • 1946 P. Larkin Let. 6 Dec. in Sel. Lett. (1992) 131 It was good of you to write so quickly in answer to my mingy letter.
  • 1966 Listener 9 June 840/2 It seems to me niggling of Graham Hough to complain about the neglect of politics.
  • 2000 T. Robbins Fierce Invalids 227 Kind of you to say that, Mr. Switters."


  • It is important for you to study English.
上の文において、文頭の「It」は文末にある不定詞句「to study English」を受ける仮主語になっています。「It」の位置に「to study English」を入れ替えても文意は変わらないわけですが、「for you」はどう扱えば良いでしょうか?
  • To study English is important for you.
    (英語を勉強することは、あなたにとって重要です...「for you」は主格補語の形容詞importantにかかる。)
  • For you to study English is important.
    (君が英語を勉強することが、重要なのです...「for you」は不定詞句の意味上の主語になっている。)

for 20. You use for when you make a statement about something in order to say how it affects or relates to someone, or what their attitude to it is.(主格補語にかかる場合)
  • It would be excellent experience for him to travel a little.(これは「for him」を不定詞句の意味上の主語にすると文意がおかしくなる。)
  • For her, books were as necessary to life as bread.

for 21. After some adjective, noun, and verb phrases, you use for to introduce the subject of the action indicated by the following infinitive verb.(不定詞句の意味上の主語)
  • It might be possible for a single woman to be accepted as a foster parent.
  • He held out his glass for an old waiter to refill.

「It is important for you to study English.」の場合、日本語的には20の意味のほうが一般的・汎用的に感じ、21の方だと「君が」が強調されて使用できる文脈が限られるような気がします。しかし面白いことに、ネイティブに聞くとこの文は21の不定詞句の意味上の主語として意味で取ることが多いようです。

Oxford English Dictionary

for 18.a. Governing a noun or personal pronoun followed by an infinitive, forming a construction equivalent to 'that he, etc. may, might, should', etc. Originally, the preposition had the sense A. 13 or A. 16a, the infinitive being either the subject of the sentence or expressive of purpose; but the use was early extended to include cases to which this analysis is inapplicable. In the 15-16th centuries the Latin use of the accusative and infinitive was often imitated in English: e.g. 'Behold how good..it is, brethren to dwell together in unity' (Psalm cxxxiii. 1, Prayer-bk. version).

for 13.a. Following a verb, adj., or noun of quality, denoting appointment, appropriation, fitness, etc.
  • 1840 C. Thirlwall Hist. Greece VII. 283 Seleucus, reflecting on Pithon's fate, augured that which was designed for himself.
  • 1840 Peter Parley's Ann. 54 What is a clock good for?

for 16.a. With the purpose or result of benefiting or gratifying; as a service to.
  • 1674 A. Cremer tr. J. Scheffer Hist. Lapland 118 If he sees convenient he may set up for himself.
  • 1816 Ld. Byron Parisina iii, in Siege of Corinth 65 They only for each other breathe.

元々は質や適正を表す形容詞や名詞にかかっていたfor前置詞句が、後に不定詞句の意味上の主語としても扱われるようになったようです。意味上の主語を表す「for <人> to <動詞>」は、「that <人> may/might/should <動詞>」に書き換えができます。「It is important for you to study English.」→「It is important that you should study English.(仮主語itはthat節を受けている)」


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